原文链接: http://blog.csdn.net/happyhell/article/details/6012177
1、 获得CTabCtrl标签高度:
CRect rc; CTabCtrl *pTabCtrl = GetTabControl(); pTabCtrl->GetItemRect(&rc); int nHeight = rc.Height();2、修改CTabCtrl标签上的文字:
// In this example a CTabCtrl data member, m_TabCtrl, changes the
// text of the tabs in the tab control. A call to GetItem is used// to get the current text, and then the text is changed. A call // to SetItem is used to update the tab with the new text.void CTabDlg::OnChangeItem()
{ TCITEM tcItem; CString pszString;// Get text for the tab item.
GetDlgItemText(IDC_ITEM_TEXT, pszString);// Get the current tab item text.
TCHAR buffer[256] = {0}; tcItem.pszText = buffer; tcItem.cchTextMax = 256; tcItem.mask = TCIF_TEXT; m_TabCtrl.GetItem(0, &tcItem); TRACE(_T("Changing item text from %s to %s..."), tcItem.pszText, pszString);// Set the new text for the item.
tcItem.pszText = pszString.LockBuffer();// Set the item in the tab control.
m_TabCtrl.SetItem(0, &tcItem);pszString.UnlockBuffer();
pTabCtrl->SetItemSize(CSize(100,100)); // 第一个参数为长度,第二个参数为高度4、设置标签字体: